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Luxury. It’s seen by some as unattainable, however never has there been a time where the comforts of home are more valued. To invest in the home is to create a base, a sanctuary and a place to connect with your family and your higher self.

Prime residential property prices globally are rising at their fastest rate since 2017 and Australia is leading the way. With homes in great demand both by tenants and owner occupiers and interest rates continuing to remain at all-time lows, the demand to live in some of the world’s healthiest cities is soaring.

Consistently ranked amongst the world’s most liveable cities, Melbourne is receiving global attention as a place to invest, boasting better than expected economic and labour market recovery. Strong gains in dwelling prices are expected for the remainder of 2021 and 2022.

Sydney, too, is striding ahead with the population expected to grow considerably to reach 11.5 million by 2061, and also expecting strong gains in dwelling prices. In the year leading up to May 2021, home values in Sydney lifted by 11.2% signifying strong economic recovery and confidence in the market. Investor demand remains high.

In the midst of a global pandemic, the value people place on their homes has never been higher. A haven, a place of comfort and a place they can connect to, be it for rejuvenation and escape from the outside world or to bring their closest circle in to enjoy the luxuries of home.